Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Pain in the Neck

It's a little more challenging than I had hoped to come up with enough time to sit down and blog. Nate and I have spent much of the last week trying to clean up from Christmas and re-arrange our family room to accommodate the newest member of the McConnell family. Nate and I bought ourselves a 37" LCD TV for each other for Christmas. Since Nate had the unfortunate obligation of working on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day he was able to receive a bit of extra money for doing so and we decided we would use that in doing something nice for ourselves for Christmas. So, our TV was born. But when we arrived home with it we realized that much rearranging needed to be done to find the perfect spot and since then we have done an entire top to bottom cleansing of our home. It has needed it for so long. And boy does it feel good. But boy does my neck and back feel terrible. All this work has definitely been hard on it. You'd think having a massage therapist as a husband would pay off but I learned the other day why it is so painful when Nate gives me a massage. Another therapist told me that when they work on people they care about they notice things that are wrong and they want to fix them immediately so they work a lot harder and often more deep than the patient can handle...so it is not a good idea to allow someone you love to give you a massage. Interesting, huh? Now my husband is insisting that I go pay to let someone else give me a massage...and while I love that he lets me be pampered...I hate the idea of paying someone to do what my husband has been trained to do. Oh well...I just hate spending money frivolously. I know sweetheart...to you it isn't frivolous, but you know me...I am a worrywort when it comes to money, get used to it! But thanks for taking care of me, I love you!
I better get back to cleaning so we can once and for all be done with the house and not have to do another top to bottom cleaning for a while!

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